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The Canine Touch Session
The first session consists of me getting to know your dog and going through a questionnaire in regards to history, previous health concerns, current diet and exercise regime and then an introduction to the Dynamic Body Balance.
The Second and Third sessions build on this work with the Dynamic Body Balance being applied and then any additional areas that I feel are showing tension and need a bit of extra attention.
In every session I try to create the best possible atmosphere with a calm warm ambience so please take this into consideration when we arrange our appointments in order that we can avoid those busy times of day when people are coming and going and you are trying to cook dinner! Also keep with the dogs routine prior to the session it is far easier to work with the dog that has had his daily exercise prior to the session than at the time he normally goes out!
Upon contacting me to book the recommended series of 3 sessions, I will send you the necessary paper work that needs to be submitted to your vet for completion - this acknowledges and respects the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966 and Exemptions Order 2015 by never treating a dog without gaining prior veterinary approval. In order to maintain a strong working relationship with Veterinary Surgeons and to keep within the law and the terms of my Insurance I will be unable to work with your dog until this permission is obtained. Your vet should not charge you for this.
A session normally takes anything from 30 minutes to an hour depending on your dog and it is essential that they are not forced or coerced into accepting the session, I work to gain the animals trust and to work with them and not on them.