Equine Touch Session
Before An Equine Touch Session
Please discuss your wish for your horse to have an Equine Touch session with your vet prior to an Equine Touch Practitioner visit: Veterinary permission is required before I can carry out Equine Touch on your horse.
It is useful to note the following :
I will provide you with a questionnaire before the session to assist to build a case history on your horse. Please give me as full a description as possible of any falls, injuries, recent treatments, sensitive areas behavioural quirks etc before a session commences. Please note that I will not proceed with an Equine Touch session should I deem that the environment or the horse's behaviour are unsafe or should I feel that the horse needs to be seen by a vet
There are no known contraindications with this discipline. However, some moves are not recommended for pregnant mares - please let me know if this is applicable.
Try to avoid having the first Equine Touch session immediately before any competition riding unless you know how your horse responds to Equine Touch; the horse may be too relaxed to compete. The exceptions to this are the pre-race / competition balances for horses accustomed to Equine Touch.
Your horse should not be fed directly before an Equine Touch Session it is advisable to feed an hour before the session or leave until after the session has been completed.
It is also advised to leave 24-36 hours before and after worming or inoculations before having an Equine Touch Session. Equine Touch is known to have a detoxification effect on the body and can flush medications through the system quicker.
If the horse is in work it is preferable that the horse is exercised before the session.
For a session to to be of maximum benefit it is recommended that :
The session is performed when the horse is not likely to be distracted by other horses coming or going or at feeding time; and other distractions such as children are kept to a minimum
plenty of fresh water is available
The owner or loanee of the horse is present during the session in order to hold the horse and to observe the reactions
Sessions may last from 30 minutes to 1 hour - this may vary depending on each of the horse's reactions to the moves. Positive signs from the horse to look for during a session can include sighing, yawning, licking, chewing, stomach rumbling, muscle twitching, stretching, changes in breathing patterns, discharge from the nostrils.
After an Equine Touch Session
You should :
Avoid grooming for 24 hours following a session and avoid massage for several days, as these movements over the skin may 'over write' the subtle vibrational Equine Touch moves or dampen the effects of them.
If possible, turn the horse out or walk out in hand to allow muscles to stretch following a session.
Depending on my findings during the session it is advisable to give your horse a day off ridden work the day after the session
Many people who's horses have Equine Touch sessions regularly report a change in the amount and consistency of urine and droppings for a few days following an Equine Touch session. This is the result of any detoxification that the moves have inspired.
A horse's re balancing may take place over several days so please observe your horse carefully, respect their feelings and ride accordingly. Some horses may be stiff for a few days as muscles re-balance and detoxify. However, because horses are of course individuals, some horses have renewed vigour immediately.